[Goanet-News] Archbishop of Goa trolled by Hindutva brigade for 'Constitution in danger' comments
Goanet News
2018-06-07 21:02:04 UTC
Archbishop of Goa trolled by Hindutva brigade for
'Constitution in danger' comments

By JKR Staff - June 5, 20181

Goa's Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao on Monday said that the
Indian Constitution was in danger, adding that a "new trend"
of mono-culturalism, which demands uniformity in what and how
one eats, dresses, lives and even worships, was putting human
rights at risk.

He made his feelings known in the latest annual pastoral
letter to Catholics in Goa. Ferrao also exhorted agencies of
the Church in Goa to actively participate in social movements
and urged lay Catholics to play an active part in politics.

"At the time of elections, the candidates confuse
the minds of many people by making false promises.
And the people, on their part, often sell their
precious vote for selfish, petty gain. Today, our
Constitution is in danger, (it is a) reason why
most of the people live in insecurity," Ferrao said
in his pastoral letter for 2018-19 which was
formally released on Sunday but circulated only on
Monday. He added, "In this context, particularly as
the general elections are fast approaching, we must
strive to know our Constitution better and work
harder to protect it."

Ferrao also alleged that human rights were being trampled in
the name of development and mono-culturalism. "In recent
times, we see a new trend emerging in our country, which
demands uniformity in what and how we eat, dress, live and
even worship: a kind of mono-culturalism. Human rights are
under attack and democracy appears to be in peril. The
various minorities fear for their safety. In short, respect
for law is frankly on the decline in this country,"

His letter just days after Delhi Archbishop Anil Couto wrote
to churches calling for a prayer campaign beginning 13 May in
the face of "turbulent political atmosphere threatening
democracy and secularism" before general elections next year.
Archbishop Couto had said, "We are witnessing a turbulent
political atmosphere which poses a threat to the democratic
principles enshrined in our constitution and the secular
fabric of our nation."

Soon after Goa Archbishop's letter became public,
he began to face trolling from the known faces in
the Hindutva brigade. Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri
wrote, "'In God, whose word I praise, In God I have
put my trust; I shall not be afraid What can mere
man do to me?' Psalm 56:4 Dear Archbishop of Goa,
believe in Jesus. He will guide you." RSS
ideologue, Professor Rakesh Sinha asked, "I can
send a team to study human rights violations and
religious coercions (of Christians who dissent and
disagree with the establishment) in Vatican? Will
Goa’s Archbishop help me?"

BJP MP and firebrand Hindutva face, Pratap Simha, wrote,
"When Archbishop says “Today, our Constitution is in danger",
pls don’t mistake, it only means "Vatican Constitution" that
believe in number game via conversion is in danger under Modiji!"

Archbishop Ferrao also received plenty of support from
journalists and activists. Former journalist Rahul Farnandes
wrote, "We must stand by all minority groups that feel
targeted by the Narendra Modi govt. And when BJP-funded
journalists stay mum, the rest of us need to raise our voices
loud enough to be heard." Activist Tehseen Poonawalla wrote,
"All of us must read & understand what the archbishop of Goa
wrote & why so many Indians are feeling insecure. India is a
pluralistic country! India is single only cause she is
plural. The end of pluralism will mean the end of our
constitution, our nation!"

Archbishop Ferrao's stunning letter has reignited the debate
on the role of the religious institutions in the Indian
politics. It has also highlighted another inescapable truth
on the existing fear among the minorities in India under the
current BJP government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
